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Boxtree Recruitment & Growth Consultancy



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    Phil Green img 5

    Lola Miller and all the team at Boxtree were a pleasure to work with. They contacted us to design & deliver their stand for a recent recruitment show. Throughout the whole process they have been very proactive.

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    Crawford Brighton img 5

    We've been working with Boxtree for a number of months now recruiting salespeople into our business. Boxtree are totally on the ball, keep us informed on activity, share ideas on how we could succeed even further and are day to day, great to work with. We've built an excellent partnership in a short space of time and we're excited to build that even further

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    Charlie img 5

    Boxtree are a really good recruiter who actually listen to candidates interests and experience rather than just putting people forward for anything and everything just to fill a role. Sam is really professional, patient and helpful. She really looks for positions that will suit both candidates and employers which is a great benefit to both.

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    Samuel James img 5

    Where to even begin - Jordan Cammack has gone above and beyond throughout the whole recruiting process. From start to finish he has been nothing but thoughtful, kind, caring and courteous. He found me a position on short notice and helped me through every step of the way, even negotiating for a better package. Delivering on every promise he made and giving me advice and guidance at each step. To say Jordan is a credit to his industry would be a vast understatement and not truly postulating his worth. Thank you for everything you’ve done for me mate - I don’t think you understand how much you have impacted my life by starting me in this wonderful new position.

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    Harley Yu img 5

    My experience with Boxtree has been great. They are so friendly and helpful and have helped me find an opportunity shortly after finishing university. Amy was very helpful and always kept me updated on the opportunities available to me